Saturday, January 25, 2020

Narsapur vs. America :: Feminism Feminist Essays

Narsapur vs. America This Women’s Studies Senior Seminar class has provided the opportunity to read about many cross-cultural issues pertaining to women. In the article, â€Å"Women Workers and Capitalist Scripts: Ideologies of Domination, Common Interests, and the Politics of Solidarity† by Chandra Talpade Mohanty, issues of â€Å"poor women worker in the global capitalist arena† (3) are addressed. Mohanty focuses on the plight of exploited, poor Third-World women. She illuminates specific issues that relate to the transformation of developing countries to capitalism. Mohanty’s article is split up into sections, the section that I want to focus on in order to compare key issues between Narsapur and America is called â€Å"Housewives and Homework: The Lacemakers of Narsapur." In this specific article Mohanty illuminates the effects that capitalism has on areas that are being developed, she portrays its effects on women as well as men. In Narsapur the lace making industry skyrocketed between the years 1970 and 1978. As a result of the increased demand, the process of making lace and the final product, which is lace, has been feminized while the trade or exportation of the lace is viewed as business, as a masculinize activity. Women working outside the home in this culture are defined as housewives, hence the job of being a lacemaker is defined as housework. Mohanty argues that the â€Å"definition of women as housewives also suggests the heterosexualization of women’s work - women are always defined in relation to men and conjugal marriage† (12). As a result of the heterosexualization of women’s work plus the feminization of the process and product and the masculinization of the trade â€Å"men sell women’s products and live on profits from women’s labor† (12). I think there are similarities between the hegemony in Narsapur and in the United States. Our society’s practices and treatment towards women’s work and the treatment of women’s work in Naraspur can be compared. One comparison in the U.S. is the treatment of women’s work outside of the job force. By sheer lack of acknowledgement, women’s work inside the home is overlooked and hence not considered to be work at all. Work that receives no recognition is invisible and invisibility of work carries with it no economic power. American women are still perceived as primarily being housewives first, then they are doctors or lawyers or you can fill in the blank.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Ethical Scrapbook Essay

The ethical scrapbook part two coincides with further evaluations in regard to 12 contemporary examples of different situations, and circumstances. With these 12 contemporary examples, in which further discusses each team member’s evaluation, and opinions of each example. These examples include: Police Acts of Kindness, People reaching out after hurricane Sandy, Daughter display of Kindness, Acts of Vigilantism, Community Revenge, Diana, the Hunter of Bus Drivers, Women Demand Respect, Salt March, Flying Pickets, and Sit-ins. In addition, these examples also include Poll tax Non-Payment, Professionals committing crimes, in which Kenneth Lay, along with Stuart Greenberg, and James Traficant who represents individuals who has the role of professionals committing such crimes. With these 12 contemporary examples, each team member’s goal is to decide if the particular individual makes the best decision given the circumstances and can one see himself or herself acting similar ly in theses similar circumstances. With comparing one’s individual response as a team, these responses will permit answers pertaining to examples that generate an agreement between each team member. These examples will generate disagreement, along with the reflection of each disagreement in terms of an individual’s personal values. With further detail, one will also answer the following: laws for acting as a Good Samaritan. In addition, Vigilantism becoming a part of the criminal justice system when it fails, along with the circumstances of which one may violate the law in regard to enforcing the law. One’s opinion on civil disobedience becoming effective with changes to the law, along with certain laws to become in agreement when considering violating to change, and determining conditions that exist within a profession, excluding that of criminal justice professions, in which contributes to unethical behaviors. In  addition, deciding if the American society has become predisposed to ethical or unethical behaviors. Finalizing the summary is to identify the ethical considerations for both the future of the criminal justice system, and reducing ethical violations. With the 12 contemporary examples for each solution, team members will provide the best resolution of one’s opinion for every scenario. Police Acts of Kindness Review  The best decision of an individual in regard to Police Acts of Kindness, one answers that the police officers went out of his or her jurisdiction to assist children who are at a high-risk of involving themselves among other youth of troubling paths. These officers also assist with providing positive outcomes for the youth, instead of involvement in gang activity, and drug involvement. With this particular example, one may find themselves acting in the similar circumstances of the police officers. These circumstances involve the opportunity to help individuals, and believe one is making a difference in another person’s life. As a result, the experience becomes rewarding, and to have the personal knowledge that another individual’s goals have become meant. Hurricane Sandy Review The best decision of an individual in regard to hurricane Sandy, one may answer the outcome in giving freely. These acts of kindness and giving freely include free medical care to those who cannot afford medicine. In addition, an individual provides home electricity to charge cellphones of individuals to reach out to family and friends. If one could act similarly, individuals will not pay for medical care, and other non-perishable supplies. Daughter displays Kindness Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to a daughter displaying kindness, one may also answer to have the assurance of the community is an amazing accomplishment, in which helps both the sister and aunt readjust to life circumstances. If one could act similarly, making a negative situation in turn for something good is a self-fulfilling accomplishment. Community Revenge Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to community revenge, an arrest is the best resolution for this particular situation because of the involvement of the community, in which results with a positive outcome. If one could act similarly with this situation, one will become the target of vengeance for oneself, and other women. Diana-the Hunter of Bus Drivers Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to the hunter of bus drivers, law enforcement officials fail to provide justice for these women. As a result, these women begin to seek vengeance. If one could act similarly, one may also seek vengeance because of the traumatic experience these women endures. Women Demand Respect Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to women demanding respect, one may answer that the suffering of sexual harassment by men results in acts of Vigilante. With the acts of Vigilante, women have the best possible decision by hauling these men to law enforcement officials personally. Salt March Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to the Salt March, Gandhi makes the best possible decision by defying the empire over the salt monopoly. If one could act similarly, one will become in agreement to achieving the best outcome for everyone and not what is best for the government. Flying Pickets and Sit-ins Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to flying pickets and sit-ins because individuals believe to have better work situations for themselves, and coworkers. If one could act similarly, one will permit him or herself to better working conditions. Poll Tax Non-Payment Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to poll tax non-payment is the exposure of the leader, in which becomes an effective tax collection process. If one could act similarly, these actions are helping the government and not hurting people one will permit his or her approval. Kenneth Lay Review The best possible decision Kenneth Lay demonstrates is his ability of obtaining financial gain within a company. As a result, Kenneth Lay did not fully demonstrate accuracy of the business and mishandles a large number of people’s money, in which causes he or she to commit suicide because they lost everything in the process. This individual did not make the best possible decision. If one could act similarly, one will not permit these types of actions by hurting those who has any involvement with the company. Stuart Greenberg Review Stuart Greenberg did not make the best possible decision because he did not remain truthful with his cases, in which discredits his professionalism. If one could act similarly, one will not become in agreement to act as such because one’s employment will become in jeopardy. James Traficant Review James Traficant did not make the best possible decision in regard to his staff. If one could act similarly, one will choose not to take advantage of innocent individuals. Reflection of Both Agreements and Disagreements The examples generating the most agreement between each team member include: (1) Daughter displays kindness, (2) People reach out after hurricane Sandy, (3) Police Acts of Kindness, (4) Women demand respect, along with (5) Flying Pickets, and sit-ins examples. The most least favorable example by each team member is the Diana, the hunter of bus drivers, Kenneth Lay, along with Stuart Greenberg. These examples reflect an individual’s personal value systems by the way, each situation displays unethical behaviors. Good Samaritan Law People have a natural tendency to help someone in distress, he or she believes the moral obligation to help, and serve other people but there are a few that would rather watch a person suffer in agony rather than assisting him or her. Jurisdictions should have a Good Samaritan law requiring an individual to help another individual if he or she becomes able, this can help provide the necessary assistance to the person until the proper authority arrives. In today’s day of frivolous lawsuits many people become  scarce to lend a hand and help a person in need. Individuals may choose to not become responsible for any damages one may create in regard to assisting another individual. Individuals may become more comfortable by recording events on his or her cell phone along uploading on YouTube. If there were laws requiring an individual to help another individual people in need can get the necessary assistance in a timely manner, and punish those that refuse to help someone in need . Permanence of Vigilantism, and One’s opinion of violating the Law The Criminal Justice System no longer displays strong management skills as new laws become into existence. These management skills will permit defense attorneys to finding loop holes in regard to protecting his or her clients. Many believe he or she requires the fulfillment of taking matters into his or her hands. Vigilantism should not become a part of any function if the criminal justice fails. In addition, just like the victim, the defendant has rights, and if he or she becomes innocent, the community must accept the judgment of the courts. There are many factors that influence the decision of the courts, in which most of the community becomes unaware of viable information. The one circumstance, in which the community obligates themselves with violating the law is to enforce the law in regard to the criminal justice system failing. In Detroit the community decides to take the law into his or her hands when the local authorities delays a rape investigation of a 15- year old girl, and the suspect becomes set free (Garcia, 2013). Civil Disobedience Becoming Effective in Changing the Law In one’s opinion, one may agree with civil disobedience becoming effective in regard to changing the law. Civil disobedience in one’s opinion, ushers the equality for minorities, along with the civil rights movement stemming from the 1960s continues to develop changes in the law. These changes also include the antiwar sentiments of the 1970s has become a change into the present, yet not as a benefit for those who want to do away with wars. The tea party has a change with the way politicians approach certain circumstances. The change one disagrees with is the gun ownership, and property rights. Gun ownership permits for more violence, and individuals do not fully understand the rules and regulations of gun laws. Individuals who  pose these guns find themselves on the other side of the law because of lack of knowledge in protecting themselves, including his or her property. An individual cannot protect him or herself from an intruder entering his or her property because certain laws exist that prohibits this type of gun use. Existing Conditions within a Profession Conditions that exist in a profession, in which excludes the criminal justice profession that contributes to unethical behavior include the role of leadership, and employees within his or her workplace are two examples of displaying unethical behaviors. The unethical behavior of leaders most often has consequences for him or her, along with followers, and his or her respective organizations (Chandler, 2009). Examples of these unethical behaviors by leaders in corporate businesses, religion, and government include individuals such as Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skilling of Enron, and former The United States Senator John Edwards from North Carolina. As a result of each of these individuals actions were one of pure humiliation. American Society, Ethical or Unethical American society can become a society of ethical or unethical individuals. Individuals who display ethical or unethical behaviors become an adaption at an early age. These behaviors establish the learning skills, and influences by adult peers. With the choice of becoming an ethical or unethical individual is the choice of the individual him or herself will permit to make. Ethical Considerations An ethical consideration becomes the rules, and regulations within any organization as well as the criminal justice system. One ethical consideration is to control the use of force by law enforcement officials. This ethical consideration requires a more strict, and ethical code of conduct for law enforcement officials. To reduce unethical violations within the criminal justice field, one must upgrade the punishment levels for individuals who violate the law. One may also believe in the efforts of a better policing practice, one must go through a series of training on a regular basis, in regard to keeping his or her skills up-to-date throughout his or her career of law enforcement. Conclusion A person can take any 12 examples of different situations and circumstances and not everyone will agree and as a criminal justice major one will become willing to see things from another individual’s point of view. Not everyone will agree with everything throughout life and acquiring a difference of opinion gives person ideas, and by obtaining different ideas one may work together as a team. If a person does not agree with someone’s way of thinking he or she may assume a person’s ideas or thoughts are already correct. For most people he or she will become accustom to another individual’s point of view, or by determining one’s theory may become of the truth. Throughout this assignment there have been ideas agreed and disagreed about and by talking and listen an agreement was met. References Garcia, A. (2013, August 12). Vigilante detroit residents attack suspected rapist after police fail to act. Retrieved from Chandler, D.J. (2009). The Perfect Storm of Leaders’ Unethical Behavior: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Leadership Studies, Vol.51 Iss. 1, 2009. Retrieved from†¦/ijls/IJLS/Vol51s1-chandler%2012.pdf.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Who Invented Vacuum Cleaners

By definition, a vacuum cleaner (also called a vacuum or hoover or a sweeper) is a device that uses an air pump to create a partial vacuum to suck up dust and dirt, usually from floors. That said, the first attempts to provide a mechanical solution to floor cleaning began in England in 1599. Before vacuum cleaners, rugs were cleaned by hanging them over a wall or line and hitting them repeatedly with a carpet beater to pound out as much dirt as possible. On June 8, 1869,  Chicago inventor  Ives McGaffey patented a sweeping machine. While this was the first patent for a device that cleaned rugs, it was not a motorized vacuum cleaner. McGaffey called his machine — a wood and canvas contraption —  the Whirlwind. Today it  is known as the first hand-pumped vacuum cleaner in the United States. John Thurman John Thurman invented a gasoline-powered vacuum cleaner in 1899 and some historians consider it the first motorized vacuum cleaner. Thurmans machine was patented on October 3, 1899 (patent #634,042). Soon after, he started a horse-drawn vacuum system with door to door service in St Louis. His vacuuming services were priced at $4 per visit in 1903. Hubert Cecil Booth British engineer Hubert Cecil Booth patented a motorized vacuum cleaner on August 30, 1901. Booths machine took the form of a large, horse-drawn, petrol-driven unit, which was parked outside the building to be cleaned with long hoses being fed through the windows. Booth first demonstrated his vacuuming device in a restaurant that same year and showed how well it can suck dirt. More Americans inventors  would later introduce variations of the same cleaning-by-suction type contraptions. For example, Corinne Dufour invented a device that sucked dust into a wet sponge and David Kenney designed a huge machine that was installed in a cellar and connected to a network of pipes leading to each room of a house. Of course, these early versions of vacuum cleaners were bulky, noisy, smelly and commercially unsuccessful. James Spangler In 1907,  James Spangler, a janitor in a Canton, Ohio department store, deduced that the carpet sweeper he was using was the source of his chronic coughing. So Spangler tinkered with an old fan motor and attached it to a soap box stapled to a broom handle. Adding in a pillowcase as a dust collector, Spangler invented a new portable and electric vacuum cleaner. He then improved his basic model, the first to use both a cloth filter bag and cleaning attachments. He received a patent in 1908. Hoover Vacuum Cleaners Spangler soon formed the Electric Suction Sweeper Company. One of his first buyers was his cousin, whose husband William Hoover became the founder and president of the Hoover Company, a vacuum cleaner manufacturer. James Spangler eventually sold his patent rights to  William Hoover and continued to design for the company. Hoover went on to finance additional improvements to Spanglers vacuum cleaner. The finished Hoover design resembled a bagpipe attached to a cake box, but it worked. The company produced the first commercial bag-on-a-stick upright vacuum cleaner. And while initial sales were sluggish, they were given a kick by Hoovers innovative 10-day, free home trial. Eventually, there was a Hoover vacuum cleaner in nearly every home. By 1919, Hoover cleaners were widely manufactured complete with the beater bar to establish the time-honored slogan: It beats as it sweeps as it cleans. Filter Bags The Air-way Sanitizor Company, which began in Toledo, Ohio in 1920, introduced a new product called the filter fiber disposable bag,  the first disposable paper dust bag for vacuum cleaners. Air-Way also created the first 2-motor upright vacuum as well as the first power nozzle vacuum cleaner. Air-Way was the first to use a seal on the dirt bag and first to use a HEPA filter on a vacuum cleaner, according to the companys website.   Dyson Vacuum Cleaners Inventor  James Dyson invented the G-force Vacuum cleaner in 1983. It was the first bagless dual cyclone machine. After failing to sell his invention to manufacturers, Dyson created his own company and began marketing the  Dyson Dual Cyclone, which quickly became the  fastest-selling vacuum cleaner ever made in the UK.